I found this macro, but it just replaces the found text by an unformatted string. How can I modify this code to apply to this text a character style?
Sub FindReplaace
'The purpose of this macro is to surround all BOLD elements with {{ }} and change the Bold attribute to NORMAL
'This uses regular expressions.
Dim oDoc, oReplace As Object
Dim SrchAttributes(0) As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
Dim ReplAttributes(0) As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
oDoc = ThisComponent
oReplace = oDoc.createReplaceDescriptor
'Regular expression. Match any text
oReplace.SearchString = ".*"
'Note the & places the found text back
oReplace.ReplaceString = "{{ & }}"
oReplace.SearchRegularExpression=True 'Use regular expressions
oReplace.searchAll=True 'Do the entire document
REM This is the attribute to find
SrchAttributes(0).Name = "CharWeight"
SrchAttributes(0).Value =com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
REM This is the attribute to replace it with
ReplAttributes(0).Name = "CharWeight"
ReplAttributes(0).Value =com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.NORMAL
REM Set the attributes in the replace descriptor
REM Now do the work!
End Sub