Navigation bar no longer shows in forms using LO Base

I have Ubuntu 18.04 and LO I have the Navigation Bar and Record Marker checked in the Control of a table. Only a sliver of the Navigation bar shows. I have to guess where the controls are to go to the end or advance through records. Is this a known bug?

Notice the bottom of the table on the right. The Navigation Bar is too thin to display it’s contents.

BTW, it doesn’t matter if it’s a table or query. I get the same problem.

This reminds me of an old problem with zooming in and out and some form controls behaving incorrectly. The only thing I can find currently in the bug list regarding the table control doing this is listed here.

Does/did the same form and table control work correctly under other versions or LO? If so, maybe you should file a bug report.

Yes, it worked correctly in all other versions before 6.