Keyboard and/or toolbar shortcut to insert specific OLE object [Writer]


Is there a way to add a keyboard shortcut or toolbar button to insert a specific OLE object? I.e., I’ve just installed MathType on my system, and I created a keyboard shortcut in LO Writer to “Insert” > “OLE Object”; that’s as specific as I could get. That takes me to the OLE dialogue, then I have to choose “Further Objects” > “MathType 6.0 Equation”. Is there any way to get straight to the “MathType 6.0 Equation” without going through all the extra keystrokes?

Aside: Once the object is inserted, it by default is set to word wrap. I want the equations on their own lines; can I change the default word wrap behavior?

(I added MathType because my LO Math equations keep on disappearing – link. Anyone else experiencing this?)


The usual method of doing so would be to record a macro for the required steps and assign that macro to a key. The type of macro you apparently require is indicated in this AOO forum thread, although I could not get it to work. Perhaps someone else can work out why the final line throws an “Object variable not set” error in LO v4.0.3.3.

The second part of your question about word wrap does not appear to be possible. The reason why seems related to the lack of anchoring and thus wrap settings for frame styles as indicated in fdo#32484. Usually, for a frame you can edit the current frame properties and use the Update style option to set the related style to use this definition. All inserted formula make use of the Formula frame style however this workaround does not appear to be effective for this style. Even basing the Formula frame style on the Frame frame style has no effect on newly inserted formula.