Edit Style dialog "off screen" in LibreOffice 6.2


after upgrading to LibreOffice 6.2.0 (on Arch Linux) the “Edit Style” dialog is off screen and it’s impossible to click on buttons, as displayed in following capture:

LibreOffice 6.2.0 About

The same problem appears in Writer as well in Calc. I tried deleting whole libreoffice profile, but the problem persists.
Other dialogs seems not te be affected by this problem.

If I downgrade to LibreOffice 6.1.4, the dialog is correctly displayed:

LibreOffice 6.1.4 About

Any idea how to fix this problem?



The problem only appears when using gtk3 ant gtk3_kde VCLs. Using the generic VLC or gtk2 the dialog is correctly resized.

Please also add screenshots of Help_About for both versions; some info there (like VCL plugins used) could be useful.

I added the Help-About screenshots for both versions as requested.

Well - please file the bug - this looks definitely like one.

Thanks, I created Bug 123430 - Paragraph Style dialog is “off screen” in LibreOffice 6.2

Great! It turned out to be very helpful (as always), and gave us the information that this is actually tdf#122480, and is fixed in upcoming version 6.2.1.