Suddenly Read Only Document

Why does a perfectly normal often used document suddenly become “read only”. I did nothing to it and no one else has access to it. Everything’s current/updated, Win 10. Thank you.

I’d want to know… there are questions like this now and then, but seemingly no definitive cause or solution.

Could you try to check if that’s something of your antivirus (like Windows Defender)?

Maybe a system crash created a “lock” file. Look on the file folder for a file with the same name but with an added “lock” extension.

Did you save the document in a proprietary (Microsoft) format like .doc or .xls, or did you save it in a native LibreOffice format (.odt, .ods, etc)??

well the answer about a system crash creating a lock file is possible, since that happens to me some. It’s tedious to “create copy” , save, then go back and delete older versions, etc. Wish it worked better. Thank you for your reply.