Find text after a specific character in Calc

Hi there,
I am new here, and also new to Libreoffice. I have used Excel for many years, but have moved to Libreoffice recently.
I hope to find an answer to a problem i have extracting text in a cell, following a specific character. “@”
This character is part of a list of email addresses i am working on, so will not always be in a static position.
The Excel equivalent formula is: =MID(D3,SEARCH(@,D3)+1,255), where D3 is the cell reference containing the text.
This formula returns an error in Calc, despite me replacing commas with semicolons and placing @ within quotes “@”.
e.g., or “@” is not at a fixed position in the text string.
I would like to extract only.
Thank you.

This works for me in


Sample file attached; midtest.ods

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Thanks robleyd, the semi-colons and quotation marks were the difference. We live and learn!

Thanks guys. This was a great question and a great answer. Had an issue and needed to get through a few hundred records to sort ( addresses, not emails ) and this worked perfectly. I was able to sort out and re-save them all in just a few minutes and with only two formulae.