Writer: export to pdf (Libreoffice for Windows)

I created a big Writer file (80 MB) with images: after exporting in PDF, I use it as music sheet .

Recently, I don’t know why, when I export in pdf using “Export to PDF”, the PDF file has some images correct and some images cut and deformed.

If I export to PDF using a virtual PDF printer all images are ok, but it not useful to me because, in this case, I miss the bookmarks.

I tried different ways to export without success.
Could you help me?

Does your Writer file have a .odt file name? Or is it something like .doc or .rtf? And are your images embedded as graphics, or are they referenced by links (to check this, right click in the image, select Properties, go to the Image tab, and see if there is a file name in the Link box)? Usually, if an image is linked and the link changes (file name changed or file moved), the image won’t appear at all–there will just be an empty place-holder with the original file name left in the Writer document. But if the linked image changes–maybe it is cut or cropped–but keeps the same file name, those changes will show up in your document. Might be something to check…

Having said that, it is odd that a virtual PDF printer handles the images OK. Can I as which PDF printer you use that doesn’t export bookmarks?

Take a look at tdf#106311 - looks similar.

tdf#106311 suggestions solved the problem
thanks a lot