Can downloaded files be loaded in LibreOffice

We have just installed LibreOffice today (March 3) because our other new laptop won’t let us edit recent Windows files. However, in pulling up a recent file under Microsoft Word (Windows 10 created) in LibreOffice, the file appears locked. Therefore, LibreOffice would be virtually useless to us. Hopefully, we can update/create other docs in LibreOffice. Thanks,

Ahhh, “downloaded”. I thought you meant downloaded from the Internet. A different question then …

Windows 10 has been problematic. First, make sure you have the latest Microsoft updates. There are a number of threads on this forum about how to make LibreOffice work well under Widnows 10 and you should search them for your specific symptom. (I don’t use Win10 and have no experience with it.) If you are using LibreOffice v6.1.5, it should be OK. LO v6.2 is for early adopters and is not considered stable…