the cell is formatted as a number

I have tried to find a www.libre office site from which to download as I do not trust other sites.

I tried to make a donation with my credit card. Unfortunately the expiry date is 03/19 and being a computer, it objects to the short time to expiry time.

I have uninstalled my previous version on Libre Office because it had stopped working

Please help It did work ok for quite a while

All above sorted by me, Peter Connacher of Walmer, Port Elizabeth.

I may have to resort to Apache if I cant get an answer!!

You can download and install the software nevertheless, you don’t have to donate. Although it is of course appreciated if you do :slight_smile:

Apart from that, the title isn’t related to the question at all…

I have uninstalled my previous version so, can I be able to do it with the new version?

Yes of course.

And please don’t add a comment as answer, which it is not (to the original question), use add a comment instead. Thanks.