Is it possible to save a .docx or .odt document as a TIFF?

I need to transfer a long word-processed article into a desktop publisher application. My DTP - Scribus - seems to be asking for a TIFF format. How can I do this?

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Tagged Image File Format, abbreviated TIFF or TIF, is a computer file format for storing raster graphics images rather like a JPEG. Perhaps they think you are trying to import an image. You will not use TIFF for a long word-processed article, but perhaps use it to include a graphic image in the document.

crossposting: How can I import a .pdf (or a .odt or an .docx) into my desktop publisher Scribus?

Not with LibreOffice Writer, neither with Calc nor Math.

Yes with Impress and Draw (menu File - Export…),

SHort answer: yes.

However, you will probably need to familiarize yourself with your desktop publishing software, and perhaps with the concept of dekstop publishing itself. Scribus is capable of directly importing text as text through the LibreOffice odt format. It can also import images in a range of formats, including tiff.

If there ever would be a need, you could indeed convert a Libreoffice text document to a series of tiff images, or to a multipage tiff image, but in the context you are indicating, there is very likely a misunderstanding from your side. In reality, you probably want to import editable and “flowable” text into Scribus. A graphics format is not suited for this.

@Vanadium, Could you share how?