Base: how to dynamically populate a combobox based on selection of radiobutton

I have radiobuttons representing values in a table. I want to dynamically populate a combobox with the values from a table that correspond to the value of the radiobutton.
I can do this in MS Access, but I can’t figure out how to do this in base, and i don’t find examples. I must be looking in the wrong places. Where can i find relevant information (sample code, examples,…)?
thank you kindly


To accomplish what you want requires a small macro. The radio buttons have an event tied to each & when changed, the event is triggered and the selected radio button value is extracted. This is used in an SQL statement to get the desired result. The SQL statement is placed in the controls’ ListSource and the control is refreshed to get the newly select items.

Both List and Combo box are presented since they operate differently. You may prefer the list box.

Sample ----- RadioButtonComboBox.odb

There is only one sample form. Each time a different Radio Button is selected the list and combo boxes will be updated.

Belated thanks, Ratslinger!