How can I enter document properties fields into illustration?

I have a complex border in my footer and I wanted to add PageNumber, PagesCount and so on into text boxes. But Insert Field commands a greyed out and I can’t insert fields via cut&paste.

Use frames instead. You can align the frame with any graphical object.

You didn’t describe your footer. The simplest way to structure it is with a table. See example below for a “complex” header:


As can be seen from the gray background, most of contents come from fields (document properties but page number or count has the same effect – they are my simple footer).

As a general rule, try to avoid frames whenever you can. Tuning frame anchor, position and wrapping is quite difficult, notably for a newbie.

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I still have StarOffice - no problem. I was simply curious - just why on earth I can’t do it??? Look in the source later…


I still have StarOffice

Provide version no. It’s because of my archeological interests.

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