How to remove hyphenation?

Hello! I need to remove the hyphenations in the text that contains them. How can I do that in LO Writer?

Please provide more detail. Are you referring to auto-hyphenation of a paragraph (Format > Paragraph… > Text Flow tab) or to hyphen characters (U+002d) that have been inserted into the text?

@oweng I am not sure about the origin of these hyphens, since I obtained the text with them. I thought they are the hyphens that may be inserted via “Tools” → “Language” → “Hypthenation”. This dialogue has the button “Remove” which does nothing in my case.

If they are at line-end and highlighted (and selectable) then they are likely to be a soft hyphen (U+00ad) inserted via the method you indicate. If they are simply at line-end and not selectable then they will be an auto-hyphen visually inserted via Format > Paragraph… > Text Flow tab. If they are a standard selectable hyphen (U+002d) then they are a character like any other and you will need to use Find & Replace to remove them.

They are not selectable in my case. So what is a way to remove this kind of hyphens? Thanks!

Highlight the required paragraph > Format > Paragraph… > Text Flow tab > Hyphenation section > uncheck Automatically. If your document makes use of paragraph styles then you can make this change by editing the appropriate style (same tab and same option).

Thanks! That works indeed!