built-in help for Libre Office on mac

Where/how do I download the built-in help for Libre Office on my iMac (High Sierra 10.13.6)

Please read the Installation Instructions.


since you did not specify the LibreOffice version for which you are trying to get the built-in help, I just can provide the starting point for (latest release):

You need to download the file LibreOffice_6.2.3.2_MacOS_x86-64_langpack_<YOUR2CODELANG>.dmg.
For other versions replace by your version in the line above


  • Don’t get confused by the term “old”, the latest release is at that place
  • Keep in mind that built-in help now uses your default browser to show content
  • There seem to be problems with Safari (at lease on my test system, and I succeeded with Firefox)