How do I go to the end of document using the down arrow?

(My question is identical to this one from the Ubuntu Forums, but no answers were offered there.)

In many other writing applications, when I press down arrow on the last line, the insertion cursor (I-bar) goes to the end of the line. However, LibreOffice doesn’t do this - if I press down arrow while already on the last line of a document, the cursor doesn’t move to the end of the line (if it isn’t already there).

Is there a way to enable/set this behavior for LibreOffice?

I’d also like to avoid having to use any other keys (Ctrl+down arrow, for example), and just have to press down arrow for this action. I know I could bind down arrow to go to the end of the document, but that would mean losing the functionality to go down one line by pressing down arrow, which I’d definitely not want to be without.

I have no “answer” except to say I have also noticed this behaviour and find it an annoyance. (Not a major one, I have to confess!)

Still, I thought it was worth logging: we’ll see what action fdo#68824 gets – if any!



When at the last line, press End.