How do I Install Jre for LibreBase 6.2

Hello, I am running LibreOffice 6.2 on Windows 10.

I have tried to create a Database with LibreBase but I am told I need to have Jre Installed.

I have Jre Installed on Internet Explorer 11 but when I go to Tools-Advanced in LibreBase there is no Jre option.

Can you help.


Thanks , that’s exactly what I was looking for.

I’ve been trying to do the same thing, but what Java shows me and LibreOffice finds are two different things.

Take a look at my screenshots.

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PS: The problem maybe, that you you have a 64-bit LibreOffice version while you definitely have a 32-bit Java since it is installed in C:\Program Files(x86) and this combination will not work. Read the link from @Ratslinger’s comment.

Since then, I have installed 64 bit Java. I now have both environments installed.
Shall I uninstall 32 bit Java, restart the computer then start up L.O?


Your screen shots don’t show what you have under LibreOfice Advanced - Java. Is Use a Java runtime environment selected. Do any items show in section below that? If so, is one selected to use (should be dot in circle to left of name)?