Printed page is only the very top left hand corner of page, although print preview shows the correct page layout. Was fine until an update was issued

I cannot get a full page to print. In print preview the page layout is correct and the document looks as I want it to look, but when I actually print it, I only get the first couple of letters of the heading! It was fine before it was updated, but now, I can find no way to print my document, even though I have the paid version. Any help would be gratefully received. Thank you. Erica

What paid version? And where did you get it ? If you got it at the official site you should not be having any problems.

In addition to @Jedimaster: and without costs.

In which module (Calc, Writer) printing does not work. Give an example. What settings have you made for printing. Alternatively, you can also upload a sample file with the error here. To upload, edit your file. Do not write an answer to your own question!

I have Ace office installed, the paid version, and when I goo into online help it takes me to libreoffice.

Office is not the same as Office. “Ace office” isn’t LibreOffice. Here you are in the wrong place. Search via a search engine on the Internet for “Ace office”. Like this