
Hi Team,

I am using libre office 6.2 version installed in my client machines so now I want to remove remotely.
For this, I need help for silent uninstallation command.

Thanks in Advance,
Ganesh Renuke

Opening HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall on a system with LO installed, and searching for LibreOffice there, brings you to a subkey with values like

UninstallString	MsiExec.exe /I{B8FF8670-C6F4-4868-9DB2-C23324C0E575}

Next, opening a command prompt (cmd.exe) and executing simple msiexec brings you its command line reference, which makes clear that /i syntax (as above) is used for installation, but for uninstallation, you need to use /x instead. Reading the reference further, you find out that there are a number of arguments to make it silent, like /qn. So having all that at hand, you could come up with a command like

msiexec.exe /x{B8FF8670-C6F4-4868-9DB2-C23324C0E575} /qn

Alternatively, Internet search could give you some useful links like this.

All the above is assuming you mean Windows installations… something not mentioned in the question at all.

Thanks Mike Kaganski,

This works.

Ganesh Renuke