How to html connect to LibreOffice Base

I have a database, which contains three tables in LibreOffice base. Is it possible to connect database with html page,if yes how html page can be connect to base database.

Thank you for help in advance.

Hi @lobh,

As the 2nd answer on the question from @mahfiaz points out, you really want to use a database server for this – something like MySQL, SQLite, etc.

It’s good to think about LibreOffice Base like a souped-up front end to a database. It just so happens that Base also offers a special feature so you can create a database backend and store it in a file for Base, but the system wasn’t created to make it easy for any other front-end to connect to that database.

You still looking for an answer here?

Please see this first: Is it possible to connect to Base from Excel using VBA?

The short answer is no, you can not connect from LO BAse directly to a HTML page.