How to select all text boxes in LibreOffice draw to change their font?

I have a PDF document which opens in LibreOffice draw, but has a hard-to-read font. Each part of the text is treated as a separate text box (there are 100s of them), and I want to change the font of all these texts in one go. Is it possible to select all the text-boxes (out of the many slides it contains) and change all their fonts in one go? I’m not restricting any specific part of the text to be in any specific font. I just want to change all the text’s font to Times New Roman.

Don’t go this way of importing PDF file. Use OCR program for this purpose. Online e.g.
Apps which can do that locally: Abbyy finereader, IRIS, Word2010 (better 2016, no customizing required).

The result will be plain text (if conversion does not fail) in ODT format or other text processing format.

Hi! thanks for your suggestions! But I’m not trying to extract text. I want to edit the pdf document and save it back. In my case, for the document I’m working with, it is not an issue to open the document in libreoffice draw and get the texts. All texts are editable, but does not use the times new roman font. I simply want to change the texts of all the editable text boxes to Times New Roman. It is possible for me to do this one text box at a time. But there are too many slides and each of them have too many text boxes. I want to be able to make this change in one go; that is, changing all the text in the document to Times New Roman. And I don’t want to use a SaaS solution for this, for privacy reasons.

@someguywantinghelp wrote:

All texts are editable, but does not use the times new roman font... But there are too many slides and each of them have too many text boxes.

As I wrote: Without macro I only see the best opportunity to change the font of larger documents via Writer/plain text.


You could ask in the forum if anybody builds a macro which can select each text box and reformat it.


Check if there is a feature request and if not so write one.