How can I remove the tab before a title?


I’m using LibreOffice and am facing an issue in Writer:
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The problem is with the "a. " title. There is a tab (I think) between the title numbering and the title itself. I don’t find how to remove it. It doesn’t seem to be part of the chapter numbering, here’s what happens when I replace the dot with a space:

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How can I remove this tab please? I think it may be from the style, but I can’t find where.


So it’s embarrassing (but common), I found the answer already, after one hour of struggle and 10 minutes of posting…

I’m a total noob, so here are my findings explained. Writer considers chapter numbering as numbered lists. Select the title, click the numbering icon on the toolbar, then click “more numbering”, then go to the Position tab and look for the “followed by” parameter.

Hope this helps someone, somewhere, someday.