Left brace without right brace


When displaying multiple equations in math mode, is it possible to set ‘left lbrace’ (i.e. ‘{’) without necessary having to set ‘right rbrace’ at the end?

The idea is to display equations as follows:

{Equation 1


{Equation 2

The only way I am able to display these currently is as follows (i.e. with brace at the end):

{Equation 1}

{ }

{Equation 2}

Please take a look to Math guide for 3.5x branch, page 14, “Isolated and unpaired brackets

https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Publications#LibreOffice Math Guide

Any idea how this will be affected by the new automatically close brackets feature coming to Math?

I don’t know Oweng, rarely I use Math. But seems more an auto insert the close bracket just introducing the open. I think deleting the close bracket would be enough to solve the asked question.

OK, thanks. I was not sure if the mailing list discussion was talking more about standard grouping notation “(a + b)” (displays “a+b”) or the type of display brackets indicated in this question “left lbrace a + b right none” (displays “{a+b”) or both. I imagine it is just the former, as the code indicates literal bracket characters, but I am not familiar enough with either Math or the code to be certain. I should have been clearer about this to begin with.