how do i edit text in a pdf if it was put in as a jpg instead of as text

I have documents that i need to make a quick edit to and send back to someone to use . And the problem is the file they sent me is a pdf however the text part of the pdf is being treated as a pic instead of as text so its not letting me edit the document . Can someone please tell me how to fix this .

LibreOffice has no OCR tool integrated, so there is no solution for your problem from LibreOffice.

As @anon73440385 wrote: No way in LibreOffice. If you don’t mind uploading you can convert to text on PDF OCR - Recognize text - easily, online, free - PDF24 Tools (“Recognize text via OCR and create searchable PDF files.”)


Other non-free possibilities (local programmes): Abbyy Finereader, IRIS, Microsoft Word (2016 and later)