How come I get a “div/0” error with the following formula as there’s no division?

SUMPRODUCT(B1:B10=A1, C1:C10=“EX”,S1:S10,Z1:Z10)

Basically, I’m trying to sum the products of S(1→10)*Z(1→10) only if the values in the column B are the same as the value in A1 and the value in column C are “EX”. Each column may contain a number, text or nothing.

Regardless, I’m puzzled by the “div/0” error.

Do you think that it’s enough to write that to others could reproduce your problem? It’s required to provide a sample ODS instead, and that would be worth hundreds words. The only thing required to supplement the sample file would be telling which cell contains bad result in your opinion, your OS and LO versions. That’s all.

My guess: there is somewhere in [B|C|S|Z]1…10 a #div/0-error which goes straight into return of SUMPRODUCT


See my Comment, if so - try something like:
=SUMPRODUCT(B1:B10=A1, C1:C10="EX",S1:S10,IFERROR(Z1:Z10,0))

…or eliminate the #div/0 errors individually.