Can't set jdk downloaded with sdkman

Hello, I use sdkman on Lubuntu and I installed Java 11 Azul Zulufx. The problem is there’s no way from the interface to set the sdkman folder of the jdk as the jre to use.

Can’t you provide a simpler way, maybe letting people to set the path of the java executable they want, as Eclipse allows?

Hello @MarcoSulla,

Don’t understand your statement about “letting people to set the path”. I have used this for years:

Have downloaded many Java versions from Oracle, unzipped them in a user directory of my choice and using the Add button pointed to the directory with JRE. Then, especially for testing in Base, I can choose which Java version to use.

Initially, installed Java (often from Synaptic or Package Manager) and LO recognized it. Have done this on many Linux systems - xUbuntu, Mint, Ubuntu, Debian and more. Pretty simple each time I tried.

It does not work with jdk downloaded with SDKMAN.


Since LO works with Java installed not using SDKMAN but not with SDKMAN you should ask their developers how this may be corrected. Seems to be a problem there.

Eclipse does recognize SDKMAN folders as JDK folders without problem, so I think the problem is not SDKMAN.

Can I know how Libreoffice decide a folder is a JRE/JDK folder?

Can’t tell you how LO determines this as I do not know the details within LO itself.

Can say that using an unzipped file from Oracle always gave a directory acceptable to LO. Have even used OpenJDK on some Linux systems without a problem.

How can I report it as a bug to a DEV, or ask to a DEV where’s the source code that checks if the folder is a valid JRE/JDK folder?

File a bug report here → Bugzilla

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Thank you, I reported:

It’s probably a regression.