How to write a query comparing fields in other records?

LO Base 6 on Windows 7

How do I write a query on data that looks like this:

owner family testid matchid name people

Thomas Joseph F175DC9D C3B714B5 Paula 100

Aaron Robert 4099BB0D C3B714B5 Paula 50

Nelson Joseph 68CF0FB9 C3B714B5 Paula 75

Larry Sam 6AE091D1 C3B714B5 Paula 76

Samuel Joseph F175DC9D D3B714B1 Rita 99

Nelson Joseph A8CF0FB9 D3B714B1 Rita 30

Aaron Robert 4099BB0D F3B714B1 Joe 150

Cheryl Joseph 68CF0FB9 F3B714B0 Joe 97

Cherie Robert 4099BB0D f3B714B0 Joe 55

That will group records by matchid where owner and family are different (in the above, all Paulas and Joes)? I want to exclude the Ritas where the owners are different but the family is the same. This is a Firebird embedded DB. There is an ideal additional criteria – I would like the result to be sorted, in descending order, by the number of records that have matching “matchid”.

Yes, SELECT would be better. The results should be:

owner family testid matchid name admin people

Thomas Joseph F175DC9D C3B714B5 Paula 100

Aaron Robert 4099BB0D C3B714B5 Paula 50

Nelson Joseph 68CF0FB9 C3B714B5 Paula 75

Larry Sam 6AE091D1 C3B714B5 Paula 76

Aaron Robert 4099BB0D F3B714B1 Joe 150

Cheryl Joseph 68CF0FB9 F3B714B0 Joe 97

Cherie Robert 4099BB0D f3B714B0 Joe 55

This is a genealogy project where I have combined the lists of DNA matches from 6 people (“owner” and “testid”) from 4 different family branches (“family”). “People” is the number of people each match (“matchid” = “name” + “admin”) has in their online trees. I want to identify the largest number of matchids in the most families (e.g. matchid X has 6 families, matchid Y has 5 families, etc.). I want to eliminate (not see, filter out) those matchids that have only one family in common, e.g.,

owner family testid matchid name admin people
Samuel Joseph F175DC9D D3B714B1 Rita 99
Nelson Joseph A8CF0FB9 D3B714B1 Rita Dick 30

I wasn’t able to do this in Calc, so I’m now trying Base

Sorry for confusing you. I’m struggling myself in trying to explain.

The data is from a DNA service. Each person who submits a test is assigned a unique ID – “testid” . “Name” is the test person’s name that the person has assigned, which is sometimes blank or gibberish. Sometimes a person controls several tests so that there is a test that is administered by someone else. So “testid” is named “name” and administered by “admin”. Only “testid” is going to be unique. “Matchid” is the unique testid of someone who shares DNA with a testid so it’s called “matchid”. For simplicity I had left out “admin” and shouldn’t have mentioned it.

I’ve assigned common names to each testid and then subdivided these common names to family groups – Cheryl belongs to Joseph’s family and Cherie belongs to Robert’s family.The Cheryl and Cherie match Joe. Think that Cheryl is an alias for 68CF0FB9 (testid) , Cherie is an alias for F3B714B0(testid) and Joe is an alias for F3B714B0 (matchid). There will be only one record for Joe to match one owner, but there Joe will match up to 6 owners. I want to find all matchids that match owners from different families, like Joe matches Cheryl from Joseph’s family and Cherie from Robert’s family. In the above Rita matches Samuel from Joseph’s family and Nelson from Joseph’s family. I do NOT want these 2 records included.

As I see it’s a problem of comparing values of family and matchid in different records.

If matchid1 = matchid2 AND family1 does not equal family 2 then show both records. This is the simple one. Matchid could match more than 2 testids say there are 3. Matchid1= matchid2 = matchid3 AND family1= family2 does not equal family3 then display all 3 records. If Matchid1= matchid2 = matchid3 AND family1= family2 =family3 then go to next.

The OpenOffice Forum is me, same problem. They felt it was a DB problem, not a Calc problem.

Sorry that I wasn’t consistent. I think you got the idea. Basically, there’s no way to compare values in sequential records in Calc or Base.

Thank you for your time.



Sorry but there is a terminology problem here.

Usually you “group” items to get totals. You possibly want to “Select” records and the result to be in a specific sequence. Also it is always better to work in the positive.

So based upon that, please explain and show what you expect the result to be from the sample records you have provided.

Is it possible when you state different you actually mean unique in all records? All the displayed records show owner & family as different.

Sorry but clarity is very important and so far hard to make sense of requirement.

Sorry but still running in circles. Statements like:

number of people each match (“matchid” = “name” + “admin”)

are confusing.

Where did “admin” come from or what is it. Totally confusing. So here is what I can figure and please correct in lowest form possible.

You want records where “matchid” and “family” are the identical. You want a count of that occurrence. You only want this if that count is greater than 1.

Something missing in that statement?

Edit: Just noticed last record has "matchid’ with an “f” (lowercase). Others are uppercase. Is that a typo or another item to consider?

This has been discussed in the context of a Calc problem quite a bit on the OpenOffice forum. Explanations there by OP may enlighten.


Thanks for the heads up. Too bad another multi post question without notice. Shouldn’t need to check every post for this but it is becoming more frequent. I guess if it is free who cares!

Sorry but there is way too many inconsistencies in your discussion. For example:

Cherie is an alias for F3B714B0(testid)

That is not ‘testid’ but rather ‘matchid’ and notice in your samples the lowercase ‘f’. There many more in this discussion. Cannot get to specifics.

Also, with 36K+ records, and using your explanation of how to discern whether none or all the records are to print/display, it would require much coding and probably a great deal of processing time.

Can’t see any easy solution to this.


Basically, there’s no way to compare values in sequential records in Calc or Base.

is not correct. The method stated is not comparing sequentially. Say after going through 32,432 records the next one is different, now you need to go back and get all the discarded records. I believe what you want can be done but again, not easily. Probably quite a bit of time and effort.