How to make a torn paper effect?

Would to learn how to make the torn paper effect.

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Effect ″torn paper″.

There are several ways to achieve the “torn paper” effect:

  1. There are programs with which such effects can be achieved. As an example, the program “Snagit”, which is used by the author, should be mentioned here.

  2. The effect can be achieved with LibreOffice Draw.

Here is a description of how Draw can use the “torn paper” effect:

We open Draw.
In the menu Tools>Options>LibreOffice Draw>General the scaling/drawing scale should be set to 1:1.
Set the zoom for the document so that the document makes the most of the free space, e.g. 140%.
Insert a picture.
In sidebar/properties there should be a checkmark next to “Keep aspect ratio”. Set the “width” of the image to 10 cm.

Draw a filled curve.
Mark the filled curve and the picture.
Right-click on it and select “Convert/In Curve”.

Right-click again and select “Shape/Subtract”.

The filled curve has now been “stripped” from the image, i. “tore off”. The image now has a lower, torn paper.

image description