I need to change the font for selected text in a document. How do I do this?

I’ve done some web searching, and there is a lot of documentation on how to change the default font, but relatively little on changing the font for selected text. The video I found has a font selection in the icon bar right below the menu bar. My screen does not have a dropdown for font. I am on Version: (x64) of Libre Office.

The dropdown list is in a toolbar. Many toolbars may be displayed with View>Toolbars. Don’t abuse the feature because you’ll get visual clutter. Check if Formatting is enabled.

Another solution is to select text and Format>Character, Font tab.

Anyway, this is not the correct way to format text. Learn how to use styles, mainly paragraph and character styles. Note that the latter category does not exist in M$ Word and is usually erroneously disregared but new users.

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Thank you!

Format → character does work.
The formatting toolbar is enabled, but does not have a font dropdown.

I’ll have to check out styles.

Maybe this video can help you a bit to learn how to apply styles…

The documentation for LibreOffice can be found here.