xlsx to pdf - no output file found

In Ubuntu 19.04, soffice is already in the path, so I went to the directory containing my pdfs and entered:

soffice --headless --convert-to pdf: foo 20190630_deposit.xlsx

It ran without error message. I expected to find “foo.pdf” in that directory, but nothing. I tried:

soffice --headless --convert-to pdf: “~/temp/foo” 20190630_deposit.xlsx

and looked for foo.pdf in the temp subdirectory of my home directory. Nothing.

What am I doing wrong?

what are colon and “foo” after “pdf” should mean, and where are they documented?

–convert-to has no means to define output file name. It only allows you to define --outdir.

Thanks Mike. Works without colon and foo. My bad for using an example I found on the web without double-checking the documentation.
I would close this as answered and accepted but don’t know how.

For the record:

The problem is the incorrect usage of --convert-to syntax. Apparently the colon, space and “foo” after “pdf” were meant to specify output file name; but --convert-to has no means to specify output file name - only output directory using optional --outdir parameter.