What sort of camera takes graphics?

Im trying to find a digicam that requires graphics.

please provide me distinct prices.

im trying to find a digicam that requires professional studio graphics.

clear pictures, like advertisement photos and billboard photos. Quite obvious not like normal camera images. Additionally, how do I know if that camera takes these sort of graphics? I Actually dont need to proceed buy a digicam and reunite it after not enjoying the quality.

This question has nothing to do with LibreOffice. This questions&answers place here is intended to be used only for questions about LibreOffice software.

That said, you are better off hiring a professional photographer. The art of photography takes years to master, you cannot learn it overnight. And professional gear costs money. For advertisement-quality images you need not only camera but flashes, lights, decent objectives, a softbox, depending on what you are about to shoot. And most importantly, as already noted, you need to learn: read, read, read, then take a lot of images, delete them all and start all over again. And hopefully one day you will get something professional grade.

For a beginner I’d suggest reading up from http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+become+professional+photographer

@mahfiaz - A very gentle answer to such kind of question on LibO user forum!

Thanks, ROSt52. It took some nerve :slight_smile: