display a content of cells in one cell n times (n cells) and dsplay a different content automatically in next cells

I have a table of 4 columns and 20 rows. Every cell in that table is considered as label. in an other cells beside this table i have some cells with data. In the first cell i enter the number of cells of the table where all data of of the other cells will be displayed. example i put 3 in K21 and it will display concatenate all info of the other cells in 3 cells of the table. My problem is that if I change the value of K21 and data of input cells for example 5 in the table it will display 5 times in the cells after the 3 cells.Another problem is that when it arrives in column1 to Row20 it has to go to row1 column2.
For labels:
In column1 cells i put this formula until ROW20
In column2 cells i put this formula until ROW20
In column3 cells i put this formula until ROW20
In column4 cells i put this formula until ROW20
Thank you very if someone can help me

Could you please provide an anonymized example file, including your formulas. showing what you get and showing what you like to get. Of course you can use any fake data and just as much data to show your problem.