Insert a cell value into a graph?

I have a spreadsheet with DATA and a Chart. I want to show on the chart the value in a cell of the DATA sheet which will vary in value and position from time to time.


please see the answer to a similiar question. But the limitation is: If you ever want to show up the value of another cell than initially defined as the linked cell within the text box control’s properties, you need to modify the Linked Cell within the control box.

I’m not aware of any other solution.

Thanks. It seems very complicated. I’m sure it was a lot more straightforward in Excel! Anyway, I’ll give it a go.

In fact, this solution can be considered a “workaround” only, since there is no designed solution “Show cell values” for a chart. If you have a requirement for this, and you want developers to implement as a real functionality of the chart wizard, you are welcome to file an enhancement request here.