How to connect to a single MySQL database via LibreOffice Base

I’m having problems connecting to a single MySQL database. Any attempt to connect to a MySQL database lists all visible databases as tables in the LibreOffice Base configuration.

The tutorials and documentation that I find appears to be clear with these steps:

##Steps for Connecting to the Mysql Database
From LibreOfficeFileNew → (Database Wizard) → (tick) Connect to an exiting database → (select) MySOL → (click) Next → (tick) Connect directly

Then I fill out the form with:

Database Names: test

Server: localhost

Then I click Next → (I enter username and check Password required and click) Test Connection → (The results is successful). → OK

(click) Next → (yes register, open for editing , click) Finish (click) Save

After numerous attempts carefully following the steps the results are the same, all visible databases showing up as tables.

Can someone advise me of what is missing or needs to be done?

Some research suggests this may have something to do with the way Objects and namespace are handled in recent versions of MySQL A Schema is handled as a database. If that is the case, is there a method of specifying schema as the database to connect to?

This is my environment:

OS:              Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
LibreOffiice:    Version:
mysql:           Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.26, for Linux (x86_64)
MySQL Connector: Built-in - version 1.0.2

– L. James

L. D. James

I have the same problem., assuming you mean that all databases present at mysql appear each with their tables, even though I logged in to a single specific database, and in Base they all get registered under a single odb name. Have you solved it meantime?

My environment:

Windows 10 Pro x64 Version 10.0.17763 Build 17763,
WampServer 3.2.0 64bit, Apache 2.4.41, Mysql 8.0.18, PHP 7.3.12
Port used by Apache :8080, Port used by MySQL: 3308

LibreOffice Version: (x64)

Hope someone knows how to fix

I have the same problem, running mysql 8.0.23, LibreOffice, macOS Big Sur 11.2.3

Hi @Capn, @Ardee, @apollothethird.

Have you found a solution or workaround for this? I am at the same place. The expansion suggested below did nothing for me. Thank you.

LO Version: (x64) - Build ID: fe0b08f4af1bacafe4c7ecc87ce55bb426164676

Windows 10.0 Build 18363 AND Jave runtine environment = AdobtOpenIDK 11.0.10

I think you have to install the right native MySQL connector which you can find in this page;

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