Link spin button to TWO cells? [SOLVED]

In Calc, is it possible to link a spin button (from form control) to TWO cells so that both increment when the spin button is clicked?

[EDIT in order to make the problem clearer :

I want to make a tally counter which will display 2 scores - TOTAL ROLLS and SUCCESSFUL ROLLS.

The purpose of the tally counter is to display the success rate of rolling a loaded die. I will roll the die 100 times. With every roll the TOTAL ROLLS counter needs to increase by 1, while the SUCCESSFUL ROLLS counter will only sometimes increase. I will make a screen-capture video of the tally counter which will be superimposed on a video of the die being rolled.

The best arrangement I have come up with so far :
I create 2 spin buttons. Button A is linked to TOTAL ROLLS and button B is linked to SUCCESSFUL ROLLS. If the roll is unsuccessful (ie it does not roll the loaded number), I click button A. As a result, the TOTAL ROLLS is advanced by one, but the SUCCESSFUL ROLLS isn’t. Great - this is what I want. However if the roll is successful (ie it does roll the loaded number) I have to click BOTH buttons A and B. This is unsatisfactory because (1) there is a delay between the two counters updating - the video would look more professional if both counters updated simultaneously, and (2) it’s easy to make a mistake and click the wrong sequence.

The arrangement I would like to create :
I create 2 spin buttons. Button A is linked to TOTAL ROLLS and button B is linked to both TOTAL ROLLS and SUCCESSFUL ROLLS. This is much better - I would click button A for an unsuccessful roll, and button B for a successful roll - simultaneous counter changing and easier to operate.

I want to make a series of videos recording the success rate of different types of trick dice : face-loaded, edge-loaded, corner-loaded, magnetic, hollow, movable weights, and more. The videos will be unedited (but speeded up) so that the viewer can see the result is genuine.

My workflow will be …
(1) video myself rolling the die 100 times.
(2) make a screen capture video of the tally counter being updated while I watch a playback of video (1) in real time.
(3) Superimpose Video (2) along the bottom of video (1), so that the “score” is updated in synchrony with the dice rolls.
(4) Speed the whole thing up and render the final video.

Because of the amount of effort I am putting into this project, it is worth getting the scoring feature right. However I am not very experienced with Calc. I would have thought that linking a spin button to 2 cells rather than one was trivially simple, but I am now realising otherwise.

It has been suggested that I will need to use a macro to do it, but I am struggling to learn the technique. I tried to record a macro of me clicking both spin buttons but it wouldn’t record. I think I am not allowed to include a macro (the spin button) within another macro. I found a macro which will increment the active cell, made a keyboard shortcut for it, then tried to record a macro of me selecting, then applying the keyboard shortcut to, both counters, but once again, it didn’t work.

It’s possible that my macro problems are related to my LibreOffice setup. In Tools > LibreOffice > Options > Advanced, the checkbox with “Enable macro recording” has “(limited)” after it. I’m looking into this but in the meantime any suggestions are very welcome.

In the second place = first cell

Thanks Gilberto, but the 2 cells need to contain different numbers. Say 56 is in one cell, and 67 is in the other. I want to click the spin button and 57 is in one cell, and 68 is in the other.

If the difference is fixed at 11,

In the second place = first cell + 11

Thanks, Gilberto. I have edited the original question to make the problem clearer.

You better link both buttons to corresponding values (one to successful rolls, other to unsuccessful rolls), and have TOTAL ROLLS to simply sum these two.

And actually what you have posted here as “solution” is what should have been edited into the question.

Hi Mike, Thank you !! Of course your solution works. I am 99% delighted that my problem is solved and 1% ashamed I didn’t spot such an easy fix.
Sorry I got my posting mixed up. This is my first time on this forum and I didn’t understand the interface. I’ll try to make things clearer then mark the problem “SOLVED”.
Thanks again, to yourself and Gilberto. I’m very grateful for all the help I received here.