in Calc, can I use different symbols or colours in a graph?

In a graph in Calc, I’d like to be able to highlight a certain section of data using different colours and/or symbols for each section. At this stage, just two sections.

Example: I’m graphing blood pressure over time. I’d like to indicate on the graph the period during which a particular medication was administered.

AFAIK no way within the Chart modules functionality - I use semi-transparent colored rectangles overlaping the chart regions I’d like to highlight and grouping rectangle(s) with the graph for that purpose (though this doesn’t look like a professional solution). To get different colors on symbols the only way I could imagine would be to split your data into more than one data series (I did never try that).

I’m wrong or this was developed by Moggi

Property mapping in charts

Release notes: Property Mapping

Ask thread with a sample file Property mapping in calc charts

You are right, I have not noticed that new feature. It seems a help text is for it is missing.

There a couple of bugs opened about this matter, tdf#80303 UI: Property mapping - the legend should reflect this possibility and tdf#84687 UI: Property mapping - deletion is neither registered nor effective

Bring the chart in edit mode. Select the data series from the drop-down list. All data points are selected.

Now click on a single data point. This single data point is selected, all others of this series are deselected.

Use ‘Format selection’ to format this data point.

Unfortunately, this works only point by point. You cannot select several points in a single step.