Table seem in readonly...

Hi All

I create a small application for an association .

I use libreoffice 5.2.7 , postgresql 11.4

I develop several forms and i have many question about …

  1. how open a database without need to enter PWD.
  2. the last forms than i create is allways en read mode !!! ( i don’t understand why )
  3. How call a form to enter a news contact form enterprise with keep the enterprise Id.


I want to create a forms to enter data in entity A relation between table B and C .

When i create a simple forms on this table , i can’t modify nor appand data in the table.
Link on screenshot :

I verify that i can update and insert rows on psql .

confluences=# select * from entremetier limit 10;
ident | codemetier | idtable | remarque
47 | CARREL | 1 |
48 | OPTIC | 2 |
20 | COIFF | 3 |
49 | LOGISTIC | 4 |
51 | COIFF | 5 |
21 | CONCIERG | 6 |
22 | EBOUE | 7 |
25 | INSTALLSAN | 8 |
56 | CARROSS | 9 |
58 | PARQUET | 10 |
(10 rows)

confluences=# insert into entremetier (ident,codemetier, remarque ) values (20,‘OPTIC’, ‘OK pour insert’) ;

confluences=# select * from entremetier where ident = 20 ;
ident | codemetier | idtable | remarque
20 | COIFF | 3 |
20 | OPTIC | 91 | OK pour insert
(2 rows)

confluences=# update entremetier set remarque = 'OK pour insert & update ’ where idtable=91;
confluences=# select * from entremetier where ident = 20 ;
ident | codemetier | idtable | remarque
20 | COIFF | 3 |
20 | OPTIC | 91 | OK pour insert & update
(2 rows)


Unfortunately, I can not help you on postgresql 11.4, because I do not usually work with sql. I limit myself to the existing in Base wizards.

I assume that you have not received any other answer, because your information is simply too sparse. Remember that nobody sees how your database is structured.

Please ask specific questions on concrete examples. Insert screenshots or maybe you can anonymize and upload your database here. To upload edit your initial question. Please do not write an answer if it is not an answer to your initial question. Thank you.

To help you at least a little, here is a link to the documentation of Base.


Thanks for the advice and the link.

I comment for question 2 and open two other questions for topic 1 and 3
