how do i force repagination in and display the formatting codes?

how can I force Writer to re paginate a document? My doc seems to have an extra page in it, but I cant find any formatting codes to remove.

Also, how do I reveal the formatting codes in a document?

Also, how do I reveal the formatting codes in a document?

See e.g. mail thread starting at Reveal code, old macros convert them to LO, and tdf#34002.

There is no “formatting codes” per se. However you can get an idea of formatting instructions passed to Writer with View>Formatting Marks (it is recommended to leave this option always enabled). But, manually added page breaks don’t show.

Put the cursor at the beginning of a paragraph where you suspect a page break exists. Press Backspace. If the paragraph merges with the previous one, there was no page break. Just Ctrl+Z to revert.

You didn’t describe the “extra page”: at end of document as a blank page (in which case you have empty paragraphs) or in the middle of it.

Repagination is triggered by Tools>Update>Update All.

Manual page break normally is indicated by a horizontal blue line between pages.

An empty page might, in addition to empty paragraphs, be caused by e.g. graphical objects anchored to page.