how do i move the headers and footers?how do i move the headers and footers?

how do i move the headers and footers?

You should specify which application your question is regarding, such as Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw or Base.

You might be interested in having a look at the Writer guide for LO Writer v6.0. The documentation is a bit lacking when it comes to describing how the ruler works.

I will assume you mean “How do I change the height of headers and footers”.

The easiest way is by dragging the height markers for the header and footer. The marker is located on the vertical ruler, which also shows page top and bottom margins.

The horizontal ruler across the top of the workspace is visible by default but the vertical ruler on the
left is hidden by default. To enable the vertical ruler, choose View > Rulers > Vertical Ruler from
the Menu bar, or choose Tools > Options > LibreOffice Writer > View. To quickly show or hide
both rulers, use the key combination Ctrl+Shift+R.