Last Modified By

We have a mix of Libre Writer and Word 2013, is there a way to make it so last modified by shows up in Libre Writer and then also shows up in word 2013?

I can’t find a way to get last modified by to show up in Libre Writer at all. We want to have someone edit a document in Libre Writer, show it was modified by them, then when another user opens the same document in word, it shows the libre office user edited it under the “last edited by” tab



this is only a partial answer to your question, since I cannot test anything with MS Office, thus I don’t know which setting has which effect on Word.

to show the user modifying a document you need to

1) Insert User Information To LibreOffice

Use Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice -> User Data and add at least First/last name. When this setting in made, the author appears in File -> Properties -> Tab: General -> Value: Modified

2) Insert Field Showing Author

Use Insert -> Field -> More Fields... Tab: DocInformation -> Type: Modified -> Select: Author and click button Insert