Missing field types in Firebird

I am using the most current version of LibreOffice and have found that the Firebird embedded is missing several field types in Base. The HSQLBD embedded has them. How can I update Firebird to get these field types. They are needed to create the example databases in the Getting Started documentation.

What is the most current version for you. I think some progress have been done lately, please test with master version http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/master/

This may also be of help → Migrating HSQLDB Base files to Firebird Base files

m.a.riosv - I’m sure what to do with the files at the link you posted. The most current version is the one posted for download on the website.

Ratslinger - Does this mean I need to make my database in HSQLDB first and convert it to Firebird?


Link has tables showing field types comparing HSQLDB to Firebird. Your question never stated what types you are having a problem with. Thought this would help with the relation.

No conversion necessary.