I use a 3 page sheet for my work. Page 3 is a summary of 1 & 2. To avoid entering the data twice, I use "=cell". Can I automatically copy font colours or background highlighted colours.

I use a 3 sheet doc for my work. Page 3 is a summary of 1 & 2. To avoid entering the data twice, I use “=cell” to copy to sheet 3. Can I automatically copy font colours or background highlighted colours.


No, you can’t using formulas. In fact you even don’t copy anything using something like =A1. This is a reference to (the content of) cell A1, just like a hyperklink on the web doesn’t copy the content but referreing to some content on another site, =A1 does point to the content of cell A1 and does not copy its conten to the cell containing the formula. The content of a referring cell is a formula.

There are no formulas referring to the format of another cell, thus you can’t do what you want to achieve using a formula. To put it other way round: You would need to write a macro to peform a copy of the format of another cell.

Thanks Opaque. You say “you can’t using formulas” is there another way to do It?

As stated in my answer: You would need to write a macro to peform a copy of the format of another cell - but from my perspective that would be a disproportionate effort. In general I’d do such such things using Conditional Formatting, since in general you have some rules in mind to format the original cell in a certain way and thus apply a manual format and the same formatting rule can be applied to the overview cell (referencing cell).

Thank you very much