I have uploaded a video in this link where u can see everything.
LibreOffice Version:
Is there a way to export LibreOffice logs? I want to share it but don’t know how.
I have uploaded a video in this link where u can see everything.
LibreOffice Version:
Is there a way to export LibreOffice logs? I want to share it but don’t know how.
You have accidentally (?) activated Edit
>Tack Changes
, likely through its shortcur Ctrl
(spurious use of the Shift
Strike the same keys once more or use the menu.
Important: the bugzilla site is not intended to host AskLibO attachments. You could have done so in your question or provided a link to the video. Remove the bug report so as not to clutter the site.
Also, edit your title and question to make the title short and to transfer the problem description inside the question itself.
To show the community your question has been answered, click the ✓ next to the correct answer, and “upvote” by clicking on the ^ arrow of any helpful answers. These are the mechanisms for communicating the quality of the Q&A on this site. Thanks!
@ajlittoz I finally get out of the problem and I have black fonts now. But I can’t change what i have written?
How to remove underscore and word color from what I have written in that situation.
+What kind of weird feature is this? Ctl+Shift+C
If you have inactivated to record your changes you need to Accept all all previous recorded changes. To do so, use:
Edit -> Track Changes -> Accept All
and all your previous changes marked by a different color and underlines will be accepted and the visual formatting will change back to the related style.
@Pranav: I’m no developer so I have no special privilege on the bugzilla site, but it looks like once a bug report is entered, it can’t be removed (quality tracing, you know).