How to fill cells with numbers in between the numbers

Hello, I want to fill multiple cells with the numbers between two numbers. For example if I have five rows that I want to fill with numbers in between 5 and 12, it would be;






I tried the [Sheet > Fill Series] thing but the final number doesn’t end up being the number I entered in ‘End Value’. What would be the best way to go about doing this? Thanks.

… and your settings in the dialog were … ? And your end result was exactly … (which)?

E.g., when I select the 5 cells in a column, and put “Direction: Down”, “Series Type: Linear”, “Start value: 5”, “End Value: 12”, “Increment: 1.75” in the SheetFill CellsFill Series dialog, I get exactly the result you wanted…

Hello, I can of course set the increment myself but I want Calc to do that for me because I will be using this for numbers other than just 5 and 12. Thanks.

So, it seems that your question is an enhancement request to allow only fill two boxes (currently you may fill just Start and Increment, and have it filled; but not Start and End, or End and Increment)… - that should be filed in another place.

Aren’t there any other ways to do it without the Sheet▸Fill Cells▸Fill Series?

FYI: tdf#127113 was filed.

If you put 5 into A1, and 12 into A5, you may put this to A2:


… and drag-copy to A4.

Then you even can turn the formulas to the values, e.g. using DataCalculateFormula to Value.

I wish there was a simpler way to this without having to enter the column and row for different amounts of numbers. Thanks nonetheless.

That’s just what I have filed tdf#127113 for - for you.

Thank you very much.