Broken JRE for LO Base

LO Base crashed before I could update a db file. Now when I try to open the file, I get the following:

image description

Looking up the error indicated that the JRE was not running so I opened Base, clicked Tools>Options>Advanced to reinstall/reconnect the JRE. When I click “Add” it opens up the file folder where the JRE is, but does not show any files.

I have another db that I’ve made. It opens up and works just fine. I do not understand why only this one file is not working? Is there some way to recover the Form that developed? I had only a few entries in the db, so it’s not a big loss if I cannot get it back.

Any help is appreciated.

Add: JRE seems to be installed and working. It even shows up with this db, but it still gives the error message when I try to open it.

Add: I deleted and reinstalled JRE but get the same behavior. One db file works, the other still does not.

Please read → Frequently asked questions - General

I have JRE installed already. I have another db I made with Base that still works fine. It’s only this file that is not working.

It also shows that JRE is installed when I look with through this db (see added pic above).

Based upon the question, you don’t have a backup of the .odb file. It is possibly corrupt. If the file does not contain any personal or confidential info, post a copy of the file and will have a look.

Thank you, Ratslinger.

The file is over the upload size, so I uploaded it to G Drive. Here’s the link:

I had just begun using this db, so there’s very little data in it. What took me a couple months to figure out how to do can probably be rebuilt in a day now that I know a little more. I’d like to know what happened, and how I can prevent this from happening again, if possible, too.

Hello @Ninpodeshi,

You will be surprised that I could open, without problem, your file and view contents:

Form is positioned on a new record although there are two data records which display without a problem.

Now as to why you are having a problem. There can be a variety of reasons. First is hardware. This was run on a 4-core 8-thread 16GB AMD system. May have an impact.

For software, using Ubuntu 18.04 with LO v and for Java OpenJDK 11:

Any of his can contribute to why I can open and you cannot.

However, and I believe more importantly, is the design of your form. It contains a number of images embedded on the form itself. If you search this site or many others you will find the use of embedded images to be a problem with HSQLDB databases. Now this isn’t in the database itself but seems relative. Whenever opening & closing a Base file all items are encased within the .odb. This can be a source of problems.

Did find another problem. Although your file shows only one form, internally there were two. It appears at some point you copied the form and later deleted. Even though it was deleted from the list of forms, the internal data was not deleted. Unfortunately, have not been able to reproduce this problem.

All these images, plus the invisible second form, it the reason you file was so large. Have removed the extra internal form and removed the images from the other form. The size of the Base file went from 2.2M to 21K and have posted that file here for you to try:

Reformatted Base file ------ EngBase v1.0.odb

If all this decoration is needed, consider developing (won’t be easy) a separate single image to be used as the background for the form.

BTW, just tested with the Oracle Java you see in my screen shot and had no problems opening the original file.

Thank you, Ratslinger!

Deleting graphics is fine. I was experimenting with some features. I’m a noob with db’s.

I am now able to open the file, but cannot edit or make any changes to it. It does not even show an edit opt in the rt-clk.

When opened, it shows a blue Writer icon in the top rt corner instead of a purple Base icon? In a possibly related note, when it crashed, there was another file, an .odt file, made that opened through Writer. When I open that file, it shows the form, but gives nothing else, just a pic of the form.

As far as hardware, mine runs an AMD Ryzen 5 2500U; 4 core, 8 thread. It’s a mid-level gaming machine; chose it b/c I figured it has the specs to run pretty much any office type program I need.

The other db I made opens fine and still functions alright. I am deleting LO & the Java files on my machine and will reinstall, perhaps that may help???

Thank you very much!


At this point, it may be that there is some corruption in your user profile. Reloading LO & Java may not help. If it does not, try resetting the user profile → LibreOffice user profile. Insure you make a copy of the profile or at least rename - noted in link.

Hardware & software appear comparable to mine.

Thanks Ratslinger.

I reinstalled LO & Java, and now the db works fine.

Have a great day.