Unable to upgrade or unistall LibreOffice 6.2.4 in Windows 10

I want to upgrade LibreOffice from 6.2.4 to 6.3.0 in Windows 10. In the middle of upgrading, I was asked to correct the network (NAS) path to LibreOffice_6.2.2_Win_x64.msi. As I had replaced an old NAS (Z drive) with a new one (X drive) recently, the old network path does not exist. I downloaded LibreOffice_6.2.2.2_Win_x64.msi from LibreOffice archive onto the new NAS. (In this archive, there is no LibreOffice_6.2.2_win_x64.msi.) However, I got the same error message, while trying to upgrade to 6.3.0 (and also to 6.2.5). Then I tried to uninstall the current 6.2.4, with the use of Windows 10 Control Panel. Again, however, I encounter the same 6.2.2 problem, being asked the path to LibreOffice_6.2.2_Win_x64.msi. Please note that all my program files are located in the C drive and that none of any program files are located in the NAS drive. Also please note that the current 6.2.4 works well.

Try to just rename your download version from LibreOffice_6.2.2.2_Win_x64.msi to LibreOffice_6.2.2_Win_x64.msi to satisfy Windows Installer and its requirement to have path to version 6.2.2. In fact it is the same thing.

Thanks to Opaque. The problem has been resolved with the help of your comments.