Conditional formatting

I have a list of competitions and would like to highlight finals. So would like to highlight any cell that contains final for example club final, pairs final.

In the attached example I would like any cell in column B that has the word final not including semi-final to be highlight in a colourtest.xlsx

Please clarify this question - it is incomprehensible, what conditions you want to apply to which cells. The simplest way is to use Conditional Formats based on the cell values using Format -> Conditional -> Condition (Hint: create your cell style in advance using Styles -> Manage Styles). Just one vague idea I got from the question is, that final might be THE keyword for your formatting. Please confirm, if that’s right …


Please see attached file - I made a quite dumb Condition 1
Celle value is and Contains from dropdown and value " final" (incl. the quotation marks an watch the blank character)


Some hints

  • I strongly recommend to use native .ods format for your file (just watch the questions here on for all the problems arising from default use of alien (related to LibreOffice) formats.
  • The more complex your conditions are, the more complex the definition of an appropriate conditional format may be. You may also use formulas to define your conditions.
  • Before you can use your own style, you need to create one, which fits your need (as already mentioned in my comment, use Styles -> Manage Styles. I have created one called BGGreen and used on the example


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