How to hide fullscreen mode toolbar options permanently?

Hello all,

I use the Full-Screen mode in Writer a lot. I found that writing on a screen with no buttons or toolbars is less distracting. I would like to know if there is a way to avoid having the Full-Screen Toolbar showing up when using the Full-Screen mode in the writer. You can exit from the Full-Screen mode using the Esc key anyway, and having that small toolbar floating around is annoying. Any ideas?


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This toolbar is bullshit! Very annoying.

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Well, there’s almost nothing on the internet that can help even a bit with this issue, however long time ago I accidentally got rid of this stupid toolbar and forgot how did i get it. Now I just remembered it and created an account here (!) just to answer this question (!) and put an end on it.

So to have normal fullscreen mode (really fullscreen only with scrollbar on the right) you have to

  1. Toggle web view in “View” tab (maybe it is optional, you can try without this step)
  2. Toggle fullscreen – you’ll see a toolbar
  3. Remove all items from it
  4. Dock it somewhere
  5. Remember it to be docked
  6. Optionally you can toggle normal view back from web view (however it would keep window title bar in fullscreen mode)
  7. Re-enter fullscreen – the dock won’t annoy you anymore

N.B. This worked for me both times back then and now, BUT it is not guaranteed to work for you (because I don’t know why the dock vanishes) so just give it a try :slight_smile:

Now that I am used to LO in many ways, my eyes seems to ignore all the flaws and annoying thing about LO and focus on its feature & benefits.

Yes, web view might not show that tollbar. I will accept your answer.

Thx a lot. So far, it sems to work as fine with Normal view too :slight_smile: