Calc convert function

I would like to know the keywords for the convert function.
I understand the syntax is: =convert(value;"text;“text”) and I need to know the list of units conversion.

I’ve read in the help, the conversion factors are given in a list in the configuration, but I couldn’t find where to set them up.
I’ve read in the fx dialog, the configuration is stored in calc.xcu file but i don’t have it, should I make one? What is the format?

Thanks in advance.

This is not a complete answer to your question, however according to this recent mailing list thread you probably should be using the CONVERT_ADD function rather than the CONVERT function.

You will find the Unit-Texts here. And as @oweng mentioned you have to use CONVERT_ADD. While the CONVERT function is only for currency convertion. I compiled a convertion list with the convertion factors. When I figure out how to attach it I wll do so.

Looks like one can only attach picture files.

Another list from the OASIS Document here with convertion factors. Not all of them are implemented in CALC.

My doubt is solved, I appreciate very much your help.