Endnote as a reference ( can't edit a endnote reference index)

Hello! I’ve using libreoffice writer 9.2. and on my document I’ve created endnote. As I want to use that endnote multiple times as reference I have inserted cross reference as a endnote.
As now that reference hyperlink is named as random number, how do I edit it’s name so it is named same as endnote?

I can not click on it as it takes me to a endnote. Same as double click, ctrl + click, shift clik… If I mark it and right click have some options but can not find any useful.

Any tips or solutions to this problem?

Thanks in advance!

This is the same as this question as you noticed. My answer below is the same.

In case you still don’t succeed, edit your question to explain at which step you fail.

Inserting a cross-reference is the right procedure, however, you must select the correct data to insert.

  • Insert>Cross-reference
  • In the dialog which pops up, choose Footnotes or Endnotes (whichever is relevant for you), select the note in the list
    and Reference in the Insert reference to box
  • Push Insert then Close

Don’t forget to character style the note number as Footnote Anchor or Endnote Anchor.

When you have an hyperlink in the anchor, you can’t select-click. Put the cursor to the right or left of the anchor and use the arrow keys with Shift to select the note number.

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Thanks for your response!
I found out what I did wrong. I have choose page instead of a reference. I thought that it will appear as a footnote also.
If I want to do that, to have same note as a footnote and a endnote how do I do that?

Yes, as I said it it is impossible to click on hyperlink, selected or not.

“Don’t forget to character style the note number as Footnote Anchor or Endnote Anchor.” How to do that? Where is that option?

Thanks for your help.

Since the note anchor behaves as a hyperlink, you can’t click to select. Then click in the “vicinity” in ordinary text. Then use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the boundary between text and anchor. Press Shift and without releasing it, continue to move the cursor with the arrow keys until you have selected the whole anchor (may be several digits long). Then apply character style xxxnote Anchor. Character styles are accessible from F11 side-pane, second small icon in toolbar.

I don’t understand

If I want to do that, to have same note as a footnote and a endnote how do I do that?

Please elaborate. Is it “(see note x on page y)”-like insertion? Is it note duplication?