Force Writer not to use font color of the last character


By default, when the mouse cursor is positioned immediately after the last character, the font color of this last character is used.

Is it possible to make the color of a character independent of the color of the last character (for example, always black)?

Short answer no.

When you position the cursor somewhere, you inherit all attributes of the preceding character: paragraph style, character style and added direct formatting.

What you can do, though, is to revert to the attributes of the paragraph style. Ctrl+M will remove the added direct formatting (i.e. the effect of Ctrl+B and the like). Removing formatting of character style needs restyling by Default Style character style (not the paragraph style by the same name). Unfortunately there is no default keyboard shortcut associated with it. So, if you want not to leave the keyboard to grab the mouse, you have to add a custom one yourself with Tools>Customize.

As said above, this resets to “raw” attributes set in the current paragraph style. The common running text Text Body is set for black font colour. If you need full paragraphs, say in red, define a derived type on Text Body with the colour changed in Font Effects so that the “standard” colour for this paragraph is red. Revert (restyle) in Text Body for ordinary paragraphs.

You are probably not familiar with styles. This is the feature through which you can have full control on formatting and layout. Discover the possibilities in the freely downloadable user guide.

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